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Joined: Nov 7, 2007
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The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Original Message   Mar 23, 2008 10:12 pm

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First upright from Miele

29 February 2008

This summer, Miele will launch its first range of upright vacuum cleaners – the S7.

 It will consist of about six models, all of which feature ultra large dust bags and

 “a unique swivel body, which makes it easy to manoeuvre in even the trickiest

 of room layouts”. According to the company,  the decision was made following

 numerous requests from customers that wanted to buy Miele  but would only use

 an upright model.

Text: courtesy

Picture: courtesy, 2009

Edited 21st March 2009; reason: loss of original image.

This message was modified Mar 20, 2009 by Trilobite
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Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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Re: The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Reply #270   Jan 26, 2009 6:58 am
Hi Venson:

In other words, you're telling us that you are extremely satisfied with your MIELE S7 Tango purchase.  And have no buyer's remorse.  So MIELE has managed to 'wow' you so much, you can't find the words to express yourself!  Try these: Immer besser!

Carmine D.


Joined: Jul 23, 2007
Points: 1900

Re: The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Reply #271   Jan 26, 2009 7:39 am
Hi Carmine,

This machine remains, so far, a stunner.  I still won't use it without tools on bare floors but I am surprised because I am a hardcore canister fan.  Better yet, I'm happy because it's equally as easy to do all  the things I'd do with the Capricorn and PN.  You're right -- immer besser!


Joined: May 28, 2008
Points: 77

Updates to my Miele
Reply #272   Mar 2, 2009 12:16 pm
I have a couple of updates since my review to purchasing my Miele upright.

The hose tore off where it connects to the handle.  This happened while my husband was using it.  I asked him what he was doing and he said he was vacuuming the bathroom floor using the hose and he claims he was not pulling on the hose excessively.  The Vac Shop replaced the hose with a much shorter one that is a disappointment to use.  Before the replacement we could easily vacuum our entire stair case from the floor and have hose leftover.  I could easily use the hose to vacuum my curtains, etc.  Now the vacuum tips if we even pull the hose a little.  I'm not happy with it.  Also the Vac Shop did considerable damage to the area where they had to disconnect the hose to replace it.  There are chunks missing from the plastic around the bottom of the hose.  It looks terrible.

Then the vacuum stopped leaning back.  We took it back in.  They took it apart and put it back together and the problem was resolved.  They are not sure what caused the issue.

I still love the suction of the Miele, but have become very disappointed with the replacement of the hose and the damage done to the vacuum by the Vac Shop.



Joined: Jul 23, 2007
Points: 1900

Re: The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Reply #273   Mar 2, 2009 1:17 pm
Hi Melanie,

As you may have read, I've bought one too and am loving it. Regarding your hose, I think the bad boys at your vac shop probably did not order another hose from Miele but did a quick fix with what they had on hand.

I am under the impression that they only replaced the flexible portion of the hose and did not replace the hose ends. Correct? I called Miele and on asking was informed that the hose is under warranty. The complete hose assembly is part number 07560900. You should do both of the following:

Call Miele at 800-999-1360 (have your model and serial numbers ready) explain the problem and also supply the customer service rep with the name, phone number, etc., of the dealer who did the repair. Miele will call them to inquire if they used genuine parts. Per the Miele phone rep, in this case the entire hose should have been replaced.

Next, take the vacuum back and tell them you have spoken with Miele and that you've been told the entire hose should have been replaced per warranty and to get off their lazy duffs and do it. Why? Because that's the way to do the job right per the manufacturer. It may take a day or two for them to get the part in but it is not a big deal. I'd have them call me and bring the vacuum in when they have the part. It should require be no more than a two minute deal to do the replacement though Miele informed me that there may be a slight difference in the test model you have to the ones later released.

Get on their case! You have spent too much money to let yourself be short-changed AND this replacement should cost no more than the gas you use to get to and from the shop.

Please let me know how this works out.



Joined: May 28, 2008
Points: 77

Miele Update
Reply #274   Mar 2, 2009 2:44 pm

The entire hose was replaced.  There is a noticeable difference with this new hose.  It seems a bit thinner and more narrow where it connects to the tools.  My husband said the tools are not holding on as well and fall off easily.  He was getting very frustrated because the upholstry tool fell off several times as he was vacuuming the couch and the vacuum kept tipping.  I finally got up to see what the fuss was about (battling a bad cold) and he showed me.  When my husband picked the vacuum up from the Vac Shop, they told him the hose was a little different, but it's the one they are using on the current models and should be similar to the one we had.  I'm not quite sure what to do from here.  I'm also upset by the damage, although I know it was unintentional, it's quite noticeable.  There are chunks of the plastic around where the base of the hose connects cut out.  I did spend a lot on this vacuum and if replacing the hose should have been easy, I don't understand why so much damage was done.  I'm not sure what to do from here.  I hate to be a complainer since I've built a close relationship with the guys at my Vac Shop, but I'm unhappy with this repair.



Joined: Jul 23, 2007
Points: 1900

Re: The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Reply #275   Mar 2, 2009 3:16 pm
Hi Melanie,

The work still does not sound acceptable. Were I you, I'd still give Miele a call to get a full understanding of why the hose does not fit properly on your "test" version and what can be done regarding the damage to the body of the machine. Even be so bold as to ask for a replacement. (No harm in asking!) It is something you had no hand in. Thus, it's the manufacturer's and dealer's responsibility to set things right.

Friendship is as friendship does. It's great that you're amicable relationship with the shop owners but friends don't junk up an expensive vacuum that was in good shape, save the need of a new hose, and expect you to take it home damaged. You should have been informed of any difficulty they encountered before they went so far as to end up damaging the cleaner's casing. I can't tell you what to do but they should be glad the customer is you and not me.

Anyway . . . best of luck with this. How are your cats doing?


Joined: May 28, 2008
Points: 77

Re: The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Reply #276   Mar 2, 2009 3:44 pm
I think you're right.  I'll give Miele a call and explain everything.  I would like to know why this new hose isn't quite right and I do want something done about the damage.  I just keep thinking about the cost of the machine and how much I do love it and how I want to have it for years to come.  I want to be happy using it.

All of the critters are well, thanks for asking.  We had a couple of health emergencies within a month of each other, but both cats pulled through and are back to being themselves again.  We just spayed and neutered some neighborhood ferals and they were all healthy and we now have one of our inside rescues up for adoption after she finally recovered from a lengthy respiratory infection.



Joined: Dec 31, 2007
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Re: Miele Update
Reply #277   Mar 2, 2009 3:53 pm
catlady wrote:

I'm not quite sure what to do from here.  I'm also upset by the damage, although I know it was unintentional, it's quite noticeable.  There are chunks of the plastic around where the base of the hose connects cut out.  I did spend a lot on this vacuum and if replacing the hose should have been easy, I don't understand why so much damage was done.  I'm not sure what to do from here.  I hate to be a complainer since I've built a close relationship with the guys at my Vac Shop, but I'm unhappy with this repair.


Hi catlady:

I am right along side Venson on this one for you.  Don't be so hard on yourself for wanting your MIELE as perfectm as it was when you purchased it.  It's not called "complaining" when you want to have your vacuum returned to its original new condition under the warranty.  It's called getting what you paid for and contracted for under the terms of the sales agreement.  You can be charitable in your request.  But the bottom line is FIX THE MIELE RIGHT.  I'm sure your local MIELE dealer doesn't want you to pack up your vacuum and ship it to the MIELE Headquarters in NJ with a lengthy note detailing your dissatisfaction over the amateurish quality of the warranty repair. 

Carmine D.


Joined: Aug 22, 2007
Points: 1293

Re: Miele Update
Reply #278   Mar 2, 2009 6:13 pm
CarmineD wrote:
Hi catlady:

I am right along side Venson on this one for you.  Don't be so hard on yourself for wanting your MIELE as perfectm as it was when you purchased it.  It's not called "complaining" when you want to have your vacuum returned to its original new condition under the warranty.  It's called getting what you paid for and contracted for under the terms of the sales agreement.  You can be charitable in your request.  But the bottom line is FIX THE MIELE RIGHT.  I'm sure your local MIELE dealer doesn't want you to pack up your vacuum and ship it to the MIELE Headquarters in NJ with a lengthy note detailing your dissatisfaction over the amateurish quality of the warranty repair. 

Carmine D.

And to think that some will tell you to buy from all those honest and ethical independents.

Joined: Dec 31, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: The New Miele Upright Cleaner
Reply #279   Mar 3, 2009 6:42 am
There are many independent vacuum store owners and operators with the utmost honesty and integrity.  Catlady is not disputing these attributes for her local MIELE dealer.  But all of us on one occasion or more take shortcuts and make mistakes.  When we do, it is incumbent upon others to tell us so in a charitable way and work out a mutually agreeable resolution.  Especially when the "us" provides a product and service to the public for profit.

Carmine D. 

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