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Product Reviews for 926LE Deluxe Sno-Thros

926LE Deluxe Sno-Thros
Model No: 926001
Manufacturer: Ariens

(Based on 2 reviews)
Avg. Price: $1050
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Ariens 926LE snow thrower (model 926001)
Dec 22, 2008 6:16 am
Joined: Dec 21, 2008

The Ariens 926LE is a good, solid mid sized snow thrower. The 9.25 Snow King engine provides adequate power to handle packed powder snow up to 18" deep. Near the coast of Maine we frequently have wet, dense snow to deal with. I've had no trouble moving 6-8" of wet snow off the driveway. Of course, slush is not thrown as far due to the the weight. The 926LE will toss packed powder snow 40+ feet.

I was skepitcal of the the remote chute controls at first. I've always had the crank type in the past. After a year a heavy use in Maine I have found they work well.

The wheels are locked to the axle by a snap ring pin. With one wheel locked the machine is more manueverable but has less traction. I have found that locking / unlocking wheels is a pain in the neck. However, I run my snowthrower with both wheels locked all the time so this is not a significant issue for me.

Electric start is nice, especially when cold starting the machine. I have pull started the 9.25 hp Snow King engine when the temperature was around 0 F. It can be done but yanking a pull cord while standing on an icy driveway is not fun.

So far I've used my 926LE for well over a dozen storms ranging from 4" to 18"+ at various temperatures and snow conditions. I've never plugger the chute, stalled the machine or broken a shear pin. It's a good, solid machine.

Date Purchased: 10/2007
Price Paid: $1100
Recommend: Yes
Handles heavy snow easily, adequate power for 18" snow in low gear.
Tires provide good traction without using chains

Takes effort to cold start with pull cord
It's a bit loud, use ear plugs
Manual wheel lock is ackward. However, I run mine with both wheels locked all the time.

This message was modified Dec 22, 2008 by ssettlemire
Big Band for the Buck
Feb 8, 2006 9:48 am
Joined: Nov 3, 2005

Purchase Location:
Aqua Supply and Irrigation
Phone: 716-688-0439

Snow thrower was delivered at my convenience, sales and services reps were very helpful and courteous.

Blower arrived and was demonstrated to me and my father. Ran great, controls all in perfect working order. Great setup. Free oil for first oil change after break in period.

First problem that occurred was the knot on the recoil mitten grip came undone when I was starting it. Minor problem since I have an electric start, called the dealer, blower was picked up, repaired and rechecked from head to toe, returned in less than 24 hours.

This occurred when I was showing the machine off and not during a storm or snow fall so it was little inconvenience. Although areas south and east of my area received up to 2-3feet I received 1-2 inches the first day, then 3-4 the second, drifts increased accumulation in some spots. I waited for the Lake Effect event to end before using the blower.

The blower met and exceeded my expectations. One minor thing I noticed is that the chute likes to rattle during transport, minor problem, doesn't bother me. Some don't like the loud sound of the Tecumseh L-Head but its music to my ears and isn't as loud as some make it seem. When throttle is at idle it’s perfect to talk to neighbors or clear a stick out of the way etc.

The snow was light and fluffy in some spots but heavy and wet in others, the blower took all in stride and the plume of snow got many neighbors interested to watch the "show". This blower far surpasses the old Snow Giant in throwing performance, as it should with a HMSK90 (9HP) engine.

Many have criticized the new chute control but I believe that to be a problem of setup rather than a bad design. My controls work great and the lever allows you to aim the snow where you want it, the other lever that controls distance works great too.

One hand operation is also a great feature and with the chute controls the way they air the machine is easy to operate. I have the wheels locked this time and just as I thought once there is snow on the ground its pretty easy to turn, or at least easier than my old blower with sold rubber tires.

I would recommend this unit to anyone who needs a snow thrower, I would then recommend the 11528LE for those that have wide driveways and would like a trigger locked wheel rather than a pin-lock. The 926DLE I recommend if you need the stronger gear case and need the added maneuverability of a differential. For my needs the 926LE is a perfect replacement to the Hahn-Eclips Snow Giant.

End of season review to come.....but some pictures are availble here:

Date Purchased: January/2006
Price Paid: $999
Recommend: Yes
-Strong, Powerful Tecumseh L-Head
-Easier to turn than older blowers that have solid tires, air tires make it a pretty easy to manuever.

-Some say the Tecumseh L-Head is to loud
-Minor rattle to chute at times when not blowing snow
-Lack of a remote-wheel lock

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