I live in Calgary - we get a moderate amount of snow, rarely more than 8 to 10inches at a time, usually in the 2-4" range. The issue here is snow drifts. I live in a north facing house at the south end of a cul de sac and get drifts all the time on the bottom half of driveway. My driveway is for a 3car garage - not super long (probably 25ft, but easily 40 ft wide. I have been reading lots about single stage throwers - i like the fact they clean to the pavement, but am concerned if they can throw the snow far enough or can chew through a foot deep snow drifts a few times a year. The other option of course is the 2 stage throwers - they seem a bit big and I've read they don't get down to the pavement. I am also not the most mechanically inclined individual in the world...
Help?? Any thoughts on what my best bets would be? I need something that my wife would be comfortalbe using as well. Any comments are appreciated...