I have a 1994 CCR 2000 that started fine for the season but wouldn't restart. Then no spark from plug.
I had no spark from the wire.
I ohmed out the coil to with the small wire to gnd 1.1 ohms, gnd to spark plug wire 18K ohms.
I replaced the small 1.5"X1.5" module with a Stens Mega fire II.
I had a small spark from just the wire to cylinder head (no spark plug). I scraped some paint to get a better ground connection for the mega fire II module wire and then I was seeing decent spark with the spark plug inserted.
I put the unit back together and tried firing, I was having some wierd firing and missfiring. I swapped the connection on the Mega fire and the thing started up right away and was running like the old days.
By the way for whatever reason my key switch now works in the opposite manner, on is off and off is on.